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At Home at the Asylum

Co Starring

Kimberly- As the loving and supportive and sometimes forgetful wife

Marcie- As the younger, angelic but devilish transgender mother figure

Jamie- The dedicated professor no longer on the prowl, girlfriend of Marcie

Mack- As the angry introverted mountain man, also known as the coworker

Miranda- As the 26 year old, sweet but hard, angry but happy, tough but sappy daughter

Brendan-As the 22 year old heart of gold son

Todd- As the super hot therapist

Special Guest Star

Ruth- The tough matriarch, the only one not in on all of the family's dark secrets

Bob- The elder statesman who often forgets where he is off to next (Kim's father)

Sue- The quirky but well-meaning wife of Bob

Mary- The angry but...well um...ah never mind, Kim's angry mother

Dave- As Miranda's laid back, Mr. Greenjeans boyfriend

Jessica- As Kim's sweet but grumpy employee whose fashion style is rubbing off on Kendra

Tony- As the quirky and bookish boyfriend

Paul- The young, cute Trans Man

Samantha- Paul's daughter, Brendan's infatuation


Kendra Chelsea as a fun loving party girl that loves to dance. The lovable, too old to be a teenager, proud trans girl. Need something? Fuck, she is off dancing again.

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