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Dear Community (Part 11 of 12)

Hey friends, hey family- you know, the ones in my hometown, I have something to say to you.

I have heard a lot about some guy that used to live where I do on Hollywood. The only thing I know about him was that he was a fraud, a coward and a liar. Still, I hear that a lot of people liked him (although I have no idea why.)

Still, the last couple of times that I criticized him someone always seemed to come to his defense so I will take everyone at their word- okay so Ken had some redeeming qualities and I will leave it at that. However, I want to clarify a few things.

I do not like Ken, he was an angry and bitter man. Truthfully, he was the kind of man that would tell you he liked you in the morning and forget your name by the evening.

The only thing he truly enjoyed in life was his family and the couch; and to get what he wanted he would lie and manipulate anyone at any time.

And now I find myself living in his house with people often confusing him with me. So, I am taking it upon myself to apologize for who he was (see previous letters) and what he stood for. I am Kendra and after this “official apology tour” I will not be apologizing for him again.

Don’t get me wrong, I am sure I will have plenty to apologize for in the future but I won’t be doing it for Ken.

Okay, listen up community; if you haven’t met me yet, once you do I can assure you will never mistake me for him again. Do you remember how Ken would pass by you without a kind word, without waiving or without as much as a smile? That isn’t me… Ha, it’s quite possible I will make you notice me, just so I can say hi.

And thanks to you, my community, my College Park, I am alive again. The minute I began to transition you took me in your arms and embraced me and for that I am eternally grateful. So much so I volunteered my service; I truly believe, because of you, I am one of the happiest girls in the world.

I even contemplated running for office next year… Of course I never mentioned it before so it will not come to some huge surprise but I, being Kendra, decided against it…for now.

Trust me, it is not because I do not love my community, nope, in reality it is because I love my community that I am not going to run.

I am a child in more ways than one. These damn hormones has me all over the place; trust me it is not fun crying over a new McDonald’s commercial or because you missed a phone call from your best friend. And being a preteen with a credit card and access to men and alcohol I have come to realize that that I may not know Ken very well but I know Kendra even less.

I am…finding myself, learning to deal with my emotions and having fun.

I am also trying my best to help people that are beginning to come to terms with being transgender; I will be damned if I let the high suicide rate continue to climb without me speaking up and reaching out. Screw my date, if you are sad, lonely or lost I will drop everything to do my best to walk you through. (Ah, I just read that…ugh….I meant and didn’t mean that screw my date comment both at the same time)

See, there no way at this point in my life I should be running for anything. Not even Marcie could make me office ready but… I will not be in puberty forever and when the day comes that the girl finally becomes a woman, I will be there front and center fighting the fight and waging war.

But until that day comes I will do my part the only way I can, making you smile and being there for you. Thank you College Park; I love you.

Signed a very happy citizen

Kendra Chelsea

Kendra Chelsea's College Park Maryland

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