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Kendra Chelsea Reviews Men

So you got this far with me; as my wife likes to say, I seem to enjoy vomiting all my personal information all over you. And you now know that yes I am married, no it is not a sexual type of marriage and both of us are as happy as we have ever been.

Why? Because we are straight women. Yep’ers but… Really I did not know what that meant, well until I started having relationships.

Let me reiterate, although I am going to firmly state that I only recently began having man/woman relationships, I had had quite a few of them growing up. As in, yes I dated guys, my age, as a girl, even before I entered high school. But here is the thing, even though I was dressed as “Kristy” (my pre-transition female name) I was in fact, not a female.

See, there was no possible way for me to see and or feel the things a woman thought because I was lacking one very important thing to do so- estrogen.

I often hear other transgender girls say, “My life before HRT is becoming a blur, like it was a dream that I had a long time ago.” Well, I am no expert but…I am going to have to guess that it was because, I no longer think like a man.”

So, I never really had a relationship as a woman; I had a relationship dressed like a woman, I had one feeling like a woman but I was still processing and thinking like a man.

I remember, way back when, dating my first boyfriend Andy; how I joked with him about how girls could never understanding him, like I could.

Basically, I did not start having man/woman relationships until AFTER I began hormones.

You might be interested in knowing that, on or about April 4th I began to notice my reasoning and thought process. That would make it about five months after I began estrogen. I was at Miranda’s birthday party and a couple of girls was talking about their boyfriends. At one point one of those girls said, “Men are fucking stupid.”

And without thinking, without batting an eye, I instinctively replied, “Ain’t that the truth.” I was not trying to be accepted, I was merely stating how I felt at that exact second. Still, it would be several more months before I realized why I felt that way.

If you are keeping up with my journal you would know I had a little problem with Keith about a month ago. As in I was, as he put it, “giving him therapy” and even before we had completely finished, he was telling me he was planning on moving back to Boston in the spring.

Okay guys, just for fun, do you see anything wrong with the above paragraph?

So you would think I would see a problem, state a problem and talk about it rationally right? Nope… Instead, I cleaned myself up, rolled over and ignored him. I remember that a couple times that night and the following day he asked me “Is everything okay? Is something wrong?”

But even though I had faint memories of how he felt in that position; even though I knew it would have made things a lot easier if I would have just said, “Yes there is something fucking wrong.” I didn’t. Wanna know why?

The only thing I could think about was how fucking stupid is he? If he didn’t know why I was pissed, then that’s on him.”

I really didn’t want to react that way but in truth, I had no choice.

Now here is the really difficult part of this review- I need to recall how I felt when I was in his position, when someone was mad at me but instead of just telling me, they would give me the silent treatment.

I remember being angry, I remember thinking, “why not just tell me, why drag this thing out?” But for the life of me I cannot remember if I ever had a clue as to what I did to make them so frustrated or angry.

So did I somehow decide to punish men because I felt they should know good and well why I am angry? Where men, including me before I began transition, always this damn stupid? Or was it somewhere in between?

First, let me say I know men aren’t dumb, an over generalization like that is irresponsible, along with it would make me look bad for comparing the likes of Keith to Albert Einstein. Men are brilliant, men as well as women have shaped our world but…

Well at least when it comes to overall acumen anyway, but understanding women, ha. You would think over countless generations of getting it wrong with females that evolution would kick in, but if you thought that you would be wrong.

But come on, really? I don’t even have enough energy to say, “Hey stupid, do you see what you just did?” Instead I feel the need, strike that, I feel a compulsion to let him come to his conclusion all by himself and if he cannot do that, force him, make him squirm for being so stupid.

What does that say about me? Do men actually think we are as dumb as they are when it comes to relationships? I sincerely doubt it, in fact, I don’t think they give that kind of thing much thought. (Note that I DID NOT say that I don’t think they care) I want to believe they care but they just don’t have the capability or desire to think on our wavelength.

Which brings us to the reason I brought you here, my review of men.

Please keep in mind, before I begin, that there is nothing that would ever get me to the point where I wouldn’t want to date men or fall in love with them. And with that in mind here goes nothing… Without further ado, I give you my detailed review of the male “species” based on my intimate knowledge of their most in-depth psyche in regards to how they deal with women.

Kendra Chelsea Reviews Men

Those sexy, gorgeous men in all their bicep glory, are stupid, just stupid.

Then end.

Kendra Chelsea Reviews Men

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